Recently player have been coming across a rare weapon type the Incendium Weapons. These can be swords armor weapons and shields which will have the tag Incendium. These Weapons can be ranged from the power of the wither to the power of a iron sword. The Incendium Weapons are the most rare weapons as of their discovery.The First player to get Incendium Weapons was .Felix55555,along with this .Felix55555 burned down his own house,do to this we recommend not using these Weapons inside.The weapons that have been found so far are The Sentry’s wrath,The Blazing Hatchet,The Holy Wrath,and The Firestorm.
The Sentry’s Wrath turns any spectral arrows into a slow more powerful attack,the Blazing Hatchet will light what it hits on fire,The Holy Wrath will shoot the same attack as a Ghast mob,and the firestorm will send a lightning attack and light nearby wood on fire.As we did not tell players of this before they found it perhaps there is more to find.